Yesterday H, S and I drove into Houston to visit my oldest R. We were unable to go on her birthday in July so yesterday was the day! I think R had a good day shopping. I don't think she goes very often. Not for herself anyway. I did end up spending a bit more than I wanted but she is worth it. We also did a bit of school clothes shopping for S.
It was SO good to spend some time with R. Though she is only about 2 1/2 hrs away our schedules don't allow us to connect much. I miss her something fierce! I wish I had taken some pictures but I am horrible at remembering to do it!!
Tomorrow is S's birthday. We asked her what she wanted for her birthday meal, her answer? Red Lobster. Perfect! Especially since we don't eat meat on Fridays.( Not sure if I have mentioned it before but as Catholics we are called to keep Fridays as a sacrifice. It being the day the week Jesus died on. Some people think that the Church did away with that practice--not so :) We are still called upon to make Fridays a day of sacrifice. It's just that the Church has allowed us to make a sacrifice other than meat. We choose to continue the tradition of no meat.) But I digress....back to S.
I am making her a red velvet cake. No, not homemade, straight out of the box. It is double layered though! Her decorations? Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle candles and one of her favorite Anime cartoon logos. For that I just printed it off and laminated it. Just gonna slap it on the cake. I'll be sure to take pictures of that one!! Should be interesting!
The hellion cat. I am ready for him to grow out of his kittenish phase! This morning he was zooming around everywhere and climbing on everything! I was wishing I had taken him back to R yesterday. Well, not really, but I was ready to do something to him :)
See my Last Supper picture all wack-a-doo?
See my gravy boat? He knocked that down yesterday and broke the handle. Good thing it didn't hit my tile floor!
This big piece of plastic was H's giant picture of a shark that we had pinned up for her birthday. The little stinker tore it down and has made a nest out of it. You see the two furry things with feathers on the end? Those are his toys that he drags around and brings back to his nest!!! He is one crazy cat!!!
And here he is with Moxie playing in his big plastic nest. You can also see the curtains he pulled down in the background. Along with all kinds of other stuff he has batted around and knocked down. At least he and the dog are getting along!!!
And here he is with Moxie playing in his big plastic nest. You can also see the curtains he pulled down in the background. Along with all kinds of other stuff he has batted around and knocked down. At least he and the dog are getting along!!!
I can't wait until he becomes fat and lazy. Fingers crossed!!!
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