This is my Cinderella inspired baby blanket. You can see that I still have some ends I need to sew in. I'm not all that thrilled with it. I don't like the carriage. I might take it off and do a different one. Not absolutely sure yet. I just don't like the thingy at the top. Its all wonky.
This is the beginnings of my Mickey Mouse inspired baby blanket. I will put a mickey head silhouette in the center red block. I have quite a sew more rounds to go.
I bet you are wondering why baby blankets.....hmmmm? Just my school having its annual gala fundraiser for teachers. I will be donating these for the auction. The Cinderella one I started a while back when I didn't have anything else to do. The Mickey one I came up with just for the gala....of course with some great hints from Pinterest!!! I sure have had fun making them!
I'm now off to go walking with my girls.
Hope ya'll are having a great weekend. I sure am!
The blankets are lovely and I'm sure will go down a treat at the auction.