Thursday, January 8, 2015

Just a Quick Note

Just a quick note to explain what was mentioned in my last post about my husband. Back in October his ribs started hurting and he had trouble breathing when he laid down. At first we thought it was pulled muscles due to him moving and dryer for me. Two nights in he tells me he needs to go to the ER. Off we go. I was in total denial. Nothing, nothing can be seriously wrong. Guess what? It was! He had five, yes a total of five blood clots in his lungs. He was in intensive care for about two days and another day in a regular room. It scared the bejeebies out of us! So even though his doctor cleared him for work in a couple of weeks, his job did not. Or rather, who they use to give their physicals. They say you can't drive a vehicle for three months after your embolism. We have until next month before he can go back. So he'll have not been to work in about four months total. He is ready to get back to work :) So that's it in a nutshell. We are all very grateful that he is here with us this year. It definitely could have been a very different  2015 for us.

1 comment:

  1. I'm sure you are all so relieved that he's alright now.
